Lying in bed, 11.21 pm the night before…

…heading up to the Arctic ocean tomorrow (hopefully). A state of high excitement. Going to a truckers cafe to try to get a ride, could be tricky as most truck company policies don’t allow it. I’m hoping the gods will be kind to me as they were coming up from Anchorage to Fairbanks, although I did have to wait 3 hours at Talkeetna before someone generously extended their arm for the 250 mile journey north (thank you Alan!). Also thanks to Tony who I was staying with in Anchorage for getting me to Talkeetna, despite just having had his high school reunion the night before (legend).

And for the last couple of days I have been staying with Sarah (back country skiing guru) and Tyler (chef extraordinaire) in Fairbanks, another fine example of the extraordinary hospitality of the American people in this area of the world. Thanks so much looking after me.

I have taken my time here to prepare for this 500 mile cycle journey from Prudhoe to Fairbanks (I’m hitching tomorrow to get to the start of it; a 16 hour ride). No possibilities of supplies, a gravel track filled with pot-holes, rocks the size of watermelons and a mountain pass that goes up to 4800 feet. I’m told this road eats up cars for breakfast (you eat cars for breakfast?). Combine that with mosquito infestations of biblical proportions, large trucks flying past and large furry wildlife wanting you and your food, I’m expecting a tough 10 to 12 days. Hopefully I will fueled by the extraordinary wilderness and scenery, sensations of extreme remoteness and the physical/mental challenge of it all.


My fuel for the next 12 days, too much?


Packs down to this…

All my kit weighs 75lbs / 35 kilos. My food must be over a third of that. (With bike, total weight is just under 110lbs / 50 kilos).

Next update 2 weeks (no reception out there)…

10 thoughts on “Lying in bed, 11.21 pm the night before…

  1. Amazing photos so far buddy – ur insane – keep it up! (and I mean that in the dirtiest way possible – I hear too many hours on a bike seat can cause damage to a man!)

  2. Good luck with getting your lift! You seem to have been incredibly lucky so far with all the goodwill you have received since you arrived in Alaska! Long may that continue!

  3. 17 hours waiting for a lift? You must have been near giving up! That food doesn’t look much for 12 days but probably feels heavy. At least it will get lighter as you go. You’re probably on your way back down now Nick. Keep safe. Xx

  4. Awesome trip Nick! When you get to Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile, let me know and I would love to take you out for a beer and if I have room, host you and lend you a hot shower, washing machine and any bike assistance you might need. I work at a bike tour company in Santiago called so you definitely have a free tour awaiting you.
    Enjoy the ride!

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