Making first tracks

OK this is my second post but first one wasn’t officially released – didn’t want to post it until I’d made it out here. I have minimal time because I’m behind schedule but figured I’d do a short post or I’ll never get round to starting it.

First few days have been highly intense. Still so much prep to do. Apart from the insides of my hostel room, camping stores and bicycle shops this is the only scenery I’ve seen so I’m itching to get out there:

Sooooo much effort and work to get here and I’ve not even started cycling yet! That’s changing today though. Heading down to the Kenai peninsula for a six day baptism of fire on off road trails in bear country. One valley affectionately known as bear corridor.

I’ve been spending particular focus on preparing for these furry creatures; wish me luck:


29 thoughts on “Making first tracks

  1. The bear bell alerts them to your presence; they say startling them is the worst thing you can do. An alternative would be singing or strapping pots and pans to the outside of your bag, the latter didn’t seem practical…

    • Good question! Typically they don’t see us prey and are scared of us so will attack if they feel threatened. Guess there’s enough food out there for them! That’s my understanding of it (insert disclaimer here)

    • Hi Niki, thanks for reading! How you? The bell will hopefully be heard from further away and give the bear a chance to get away before you’re in closer proximity. I’m not an expert though! The number rule seems to be never run from them even if they’re charging at you…

  2. Hi Nick, Welcome to the big ole US! Good luck with your adventure – I’m jealous and will be watching with interest. Cheers, Pete

  3. So glad to run into you on Johnson Pass! Hope you had a great journey and steered clear of bears. Good luck on the rest of your adventure.

    -Chris & Jenna

  4. Dear Nick,

    Holly & I are excited to hear of your biking plan. Your parents showed us your route – what a journey it will be! I will email you the email addresses of two of our children, who live near your planned route (in Montana & New Mexico).

    I suppose the distinction between Grizzly and Black bears is important. Black bears are the only ones I have encountered. Years ago on a back-packing trip in the California Sierra, a friend and I were wakened by noises and found a black bear trying to dig out a food bag that my friend Jack had buried under a rock. We banged on our tin cups and pans and shouted at him and he slowly left. I dont think Grizzlies are put off so easily. Obviously getting your food bag(s) sealed and out of reach is important. It sounds as if your bear preparations are appropriate.

    Much love and Few flats and Happy travels, Barney

    • Hi Barney, good to hear from you and yes think you’re right about the differences between the bears, both requiring different responses. Will email you offline as well…

  5. Thanks for the comments! Quick note to say all good. Just finished one of the trails and have some reception. Heading back in shortly to do resurrection trail -south to north via devils paas. Has been constantly raining and cold which has made it tough but excellent training for my trip when I start up in Prudhoe bay. Getting familiar with kit etc. More in a few days…

  6. “Wildlife on the Resurrection Trail is abundant and includes moose, Dall sheep, mountain goats, a small but thriving caribou herd, two packs of wolves, and brown and black bears. Adhere to bear safety recommendations on the trail and in camp.” Packs of wolves?!! Noone said anything about there being packs of wolves. Hope you didn’t come across any of the carnivores and look forward to your next post confirming your wellbeing.

  7. Nick! It’s Emma of ‘Emma and Todd’ on Resurrection Pass. We made it out the other side, with only bleeding stumps for legs after that final 18 miles with those packs. it was so worth it though, Devils Pass was beautiful. Saw a LYNX which is infinitely cooler than a bear. Hitchhiking was a piece of cake. Did you stay in Hope? Good luck on your onward journey! 🙂

    • Hi Emma! Good to hear from you. 🙂 18 miles is a long hike on that terrain. Well done! I stayed one night in Hope and Pam very kindly gave me a lift. Heading up to Arctic ocean tomorrow! N

  8. I enjoyed our paths crossing near Beaverhead, New Mexico 11-21-12. My Sis asked if you were weird, due to your undertaking, I truthfully replied, No, not in the least!!!! Seemed to be well adjusted outgoing type of guy. Keep me updated. I truly admire your passion and commitment. I hope our paths cross down the lines and if not, then on the other side

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